name version release date zip package source code
mod_poly_instagallery v1.3.3 2024/05/02 download GitHub


  1. Get your "Instagram Business Account ID (=connected IG User ID)" and "Access Token".
    See facebook for developers.
  2. Download the extension to your local machine as a zip file package.
  3. From the backend of your Joomla site (administration) select "Extensions" → "Manage" → "Install".
  4. Drag and drop the extension package on your local machine to upload.
  5. Select "Extensions" → "Modules" → "POLYTOPE Instagram Gallery".
  6. Select "Settings" tab and enter "Instagram Business Account ID" and "Access Token".
  7. Set module configuration (menu assignment, module position, etc.).
  8. Publish the module.


You can select the display type "Gallery" or "Slider".

Slider type demo with 12 items, 4 cols for pc, 2 cols for smartphone from @sorakataphoto.